Synthesis/Regeneration 5   (Winter 1993)

Reviews and resources

Key Resources: a bibliography


BARBER, B. R. 1992. An Aristocracy of Everyone: The Politics of Education and the Future of America. New York: Ballantine Books. Elaborates upon the notion of education as teaching liberty. Themes include: teaching temporality, canonicity, the post-modern, the conservative agenda and teaching democracy through community service (Rutgers University).

BEYER, L.E., AND APPLE, M.W., EDS. 1988. The Curriculum: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities. Albany: State University of New York Press. Two key articles: Wood, Democracy and Curriculum, and Beyer, Schooling for the Culture of Democracy.

BIGELOW, B., ET AL., EDS. 1991. Rethinking Columbus: Teaching About the 500th Anniversary of Columbus's Arrival in America. Special issue of Rethinking Schools, Milwaukee, WI. Focuses on how to debunk the Columbus myth and associated meanings employing school curriculum. A forum for the diverse native peoples on a variety of themes and topics: invasion consequences, past and contemporary resistance, and cultural diversity. Resource section.

BUNCH, C., AND POLLACK, S., EDS. 1983. Learning Our Way: Essays in Feminist Education. Trumansburg NY: Crossing Press. Women from a variety of backgrounds (rural, professional, black, artists, activists, academics and so forth), look at their experiences and describe both the specifics of the activities and the broader understandings that have emerged from them. Touches both formal and informal education.

DARDER, A. 1991. Culture and Power in the Classroom: A Critical Foundation for Bicultural Education. Toronto: OISE Press. Analyses the structures of cultural dominance in the bicultural classroom, and articulates the notion of classroom cultural democracy from the perspectives of critical theory and critical pedagogy. Examination of a bicultural development program (Pacific Oaks College).

FREIRE, P. 1970. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum. Freire's classic work on his liberatory pedagogy.

GASKELL, J., AND MCLAREN, A., EDS. 1991. Women and Education. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd. Canadian academic feminists (liberal, radical, socialist) explore and challenge existing organizations of education in Canada. Each of four sections (women as mothers, teachers; unequal access to knowledge; curriculum: whose knowledge?; and adult education) charts a different way in which feminist work has forced us to see major issues in education differently.

GIROUX, H. A. 1988. Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning. Granby MA: Bergin and Garvey. Theoretical analysis of mainstream formal education - by a critical pedagogue - employing both a language of critique and possibility. Overall, conveys a strong sense of agency and hope.

GOODMAN, J. 1992. Elementary Schooling for Critical Democracy. Albany: State University of New York Press. Ethnographic study of Harmony elementary school (Bloomington, Indiana), an alternative school established according to a critical or liberatory democratic vision. Theoretical and practical insights into all aspects of schooling.

GRANT, C. A., ED. 1979. Community Participation in Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Will schools change? How will they change? Who will determine the changes? These questions and other relevant inquiries are addressed from the perspective of community participation.

KREISBERG, S. 1992. Transforming Power: Domination, Empowerment and Education. Albany: State University of New York Press. Analysis of discourses of power (power over, power with/empowerment). Informed by feminist theory. Description of teacher experiences with power (Educators for Social Responsibility).

LUKE, C., AND GORE, J., EDS. 1992. Feminisms and Critical Pedagogy. New York: Routledge. Poststructural feminist readings of the discourse of critical pedagogy. Critiques, for example, notions of liberation, empowerment, and student voice. Contributors working towards an emancipatory feminist praxis.

O'MALLEY, S. G., ROSEN, R. C., AND VOGT, L., EDS. 1990. Politics of Education: Essays from Radical Teacher. Albany: State University of New York Press. Thirty articles selected from Radical Teacher, a socialist and feminist journal on the theory and practice of teaching. Broad coverage of topics and themes, including: lesbianism, sexism, racism, personal odysseys, rad math and Afro-American and feminist working class literature.

OSBORNE, K. 1991. Teaching for Democratic Citizenship. Toronto: Our Schools/Our Selves. A vision of democratic or active citizenship is sketched out within the context of Canadian schooling. Both process and product are included.

SHOR, I., ED. 1987. Freire For the Classroom: A Sourcebook for Liberatory Teaching. Portsmouth NH: Boyton/Cook. A blend of the theory and practice of using Freirian pedagogy in the North American classroom. Applications by primarily literacy teachers at the high school and college level.

SPRING, JOEL. 1975. A Primer of Libertarian Education. Montreal: Black Rose Books. Focuses on the major educational ideas flowing from what Spring then considered the radical education tradition: anarchist (e.g., Stirner, Ferrer, Illich); Marxist/neo-Marxist (e.g., Marx, Freire); and the Freudian left (e.g., Neill, Reich).

WEILER, K. 1988. Women Teaching for Change: Gender, Class and Power. New York: Bergin and Garvey. An overview of both critical and feminist educational theory, followed by an ethnographic investigation of the beliefs and practices of women high school teachers and administrators who have been touched by feminism. Develops a classroom politics of voice.

WOOD, G. H. 1992. Schools That Work: America's Most Innovative Public Education Programs. New York: Dutton. Description and analysis of how the democratic ideal has been translated into practice in a number of public primary and secondary schools in the U.S.


The Institute for Democracy in Education, College of Education, 210 McCracken Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979.

P.O. Box 53103, Temple Station, Washington, DC 20009.

c/o Tim Grant, 95 Robert Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2K5.

1698 Gerrard Street East, Toronto ON M4L 2B2.

P.O. Box 102, Kendall Square Post Office, Cambridge, MA 02142.

Green Youth Network, c/o Greens Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 30208, Kansas City, MO 64112-3208.

1001 E. Keefe Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53212.

Student Environmental Action Coalition,
P.O. Box 1168, Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1168.

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